Responsive Social Sharing Buttons For Blogger Mobile

Responsive social sharing buttons for mobile

Mobile phones and tablets is one of the major source for a blog's and site's traffic now  a days. A blog receives 40% traffic from mobile phones and that's the reason why bloggers are enabling ads in mobile view so that they could earn money from mobile visitors also. Since usage of mobile for reading blogs is increase day by day therefore bloggers and webmaster are enabling gadgets for mobile view also such as related posts widget to get more page-views and social media buttons to get shares on social media. Previously I have create a post about enabling gadgets in mobile view in blogger but in some blogs it do not work therefore in this post I will show you how to add share buttons to mobile view in blogger that floats at the bottom of mobile screen. You can add follow buttons also beside share buttons and set the position of your share/follow buttons to top of the mobile screen.
See demo below:

Responsive social sharing buttons for mobile | 101helper

You can set theme of your share buttons tab and also hide these buttons on specific pages of your blog. Follow below steps to add this gadget in your blog:

Step 1: Go to Addthis and register a free account.

Step 2: Log-in to your Addthis account and go to tools.

How to add Responsive social sharing buttons for mobile | 101helper

Step 3: Scroll down to mobile toolbar and click on setup.

Mobile sharing buttons for blogger mobile view

Step 4: Customize your buttons according to your needs e.g position of buttons(top or bottom), theme of buttons(Grey, white or dark), Share buttons on/off and Follow buttons on/off. If you enable follow buttons don't forget to add links of your social profiles.

Social media buttons for blogger

Step 5: Get the code of gadget and click on activate button.

Step 6: Go to blogger Dashboard and click on template in the menu on left side.

Step 7: Click on Edit Html and search for </body>.

Step 8: Just above </body> paste the copied code.

Step 9: Click on save template and you done!

Note: Sometimes the buttons take 10-15 minutes to appear so if your buttons are not showing up wait for 10-15 minutes.

I hope you like this post. Follow and subscribe to get latest updates about blogger gadgets. Share this post with others and help me spread 101Helper.

Search tags: Social buttons for blogger, social media buttons for mobile, Responsive social sharing buttons for mobile, Floating share buttons for blogger mobile, Floating follow buttons for blogger, Mobile social buttons for blogger. 

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